Saturday 2 June 2012

Honey? Yum!

Honey = Sweet
Someone said humans might have been collecting honey maybe as long as 10.000 years for its sweet taste. Humans use honey for many things from cake to candy.

Actually, this natural product of bees also has health benefits.
These are some of them :
  1. Honey is good for a sore throat. Honey not only helps to soothe the throat by gently coating it, but it also works as a natural antibiotic, fighting any infections that caused the sore throat
  2. Speaking of honey’s antibiotic abilities, this sweet stuff also makes a nice (though sticky) paste for minor cuts and other wounds. How so? Honey helps to disinfect wounds by naturally, slowly releasing hydrogen peroxide. Remember this is only a home remedy for small wounds and burns
  3. Honey has the natural ability to pull water from its surroundings, which means in your stomach it denies fluid to the bacteria there causing ulcers
  4.  Believe it or not, honey can help in the battle of the bulge. How is this? Honey, when slightly warm and mixed with water or juice, helps your body in digestion of fat stored in the body and helps losing weight
  5. Need a little energy boost in the morning? Or maybe after a jog or long walk? Honey is an excellent source of energy for the body. A tablespoon of honey equals about 64 calories.
  6. Mix five teaspoons of honey with a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon, then apply it to the sore tooth. The pain should slowly fly away
  7. Spread a thin layer of honey on your skin to combat pimples and other acne. Honey’s natural antibiotic abilities not only help to keep the skin clean, but it also roots out and destroys many bacteria that can cause facial blemishes and the like
  8. Honey can even help you get a good night sleep because its amino acids, vitamins and minerals act as a natural sedative. Works best if you mix a spoon of honey with warm milk. YUM!!

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